Welcome to XtraLearn

Private 1 on 1 Online Tutoring in all Subjects and Grades

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At XtraLearn Tutoring, you can try out as many of our thousands of Private Tutors as you like before deciding on which ones work best with you.



About Us


XtraLearn is a Tutoring Service Provider that is Certified Teacher owned with over 24 years of experience in the Tutoring industry.

Parents have told us that our best hourly rates are considerably lower than our competitors.

We have Students in countries throughout the world that are getting the 1 on 1 help they need on their terms, on their schedule and through the convenience of the Internet. We can help you no matter where you are located.

The majority of our Students are referrals from existing Students and Parents. We feel that says a lot about our approach and how we do things.

At XtraLearn, you are never locked into Tutoring hours like at some other Tutoring companies. All unused hours in any of our Tutoring packages can be refunded at any time.

We have over 2000 Tutors in all Subjects and Grades. You can (and should) try out as many Tutors as you want until you find 1 or 2 that work best with you.

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Get Started

Contact us by filling out the form on the bottom of this page and let us know the Subjects that the Student needs help with. We take care of the rest.

We will first match the Student with one or more of our thousands of online Tutors.

We will then send a text to the Student introducing them to the Tutor(s). The Student (or Parent) can let us know when they want to meet and we will then schedule the lessons. The Student and Tutor then meet online for the scheduled lessons. The lessons can be held as frequently as the Student requires – either regularly or just whenever the Student needs help.

Even if the Student is reluctant to get tutored, as many Students sometimes are, contact us anyway. We can still send the text introducing the Tutor to the Student, and now, the reluctant Student can choose to only contact the Tutor if and when they need help and/or when their marks go down. The Tutor is always just a text away. There is no commitment and you are not charged any fees until the Student requests a Tutoring session. Students are very comfortable with this tried and tested process.

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What Our Clients Say…

All 3 of my children use XtraLearn tutoring services and the experience and results have been noteworthy. The tutors are of high caliber and not only do they have a strong knowledge of the subject they are tutoring they also interact well with the children to foster an atmosphere of learning. We’ve observed higher marks for all three children since starting tutoring earlier this year e.g. my grade 11 daughter is now at an over 90% average in her grade 12 Advanced Function course and her grade 11 Chemistry. I would recommend XtraLearn to parents looking for tutoring services. In fact, I have recommended them and the feedback from those who have acted on my recommendation is as positive as mine.
Jacquie SpencerParent
The tutor at XtraLearn is so knowledgeable and helpful. Using the XtraLearn tutoring services made my daughter’s and son’s studying time so effective. The tutor was able to determine exactly where they were confused and from there help them understand the math concepts they were having problems with. Their grades definitely improved.
We found the Tutors from XtraLearn excellent, qualified and very accommodating. They worked around our schedule and were often available to help prepare for last minute tests and assignments.
Tracy GareyParent
Great tutoring. Prompt availability. Tutors are very punctual and reliable. They also find tailored approaches / strategies based on student needs and personality! I am very pleased with the progress!
Michaela CParent
We are very happy with the service. Tutor is friendly and reliable. She makes math fun.
Angela SParent
Accommodating. Knowledgeable. Very helpful. Thank you
Khrista Campeau DeamerParent
He helped my son who was struggling in high school, extremely satisfied with current progress.
Saleem TabaniParent
Very professional and exceptional tutoring.
Danny LisozziStudent

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How Can We Help You?

Most of our students come to us through referrals from their friends or family. We think that speaks volumes about how we do things. Our previous students and parents can provide references, so you can speak to them about their experiences with us. We offer online tutoring for elementary, secondary, college and university students for every subject. We tutor students one on one. Our tutors can also help students prepare for competitive exams like the SAT, ACT, LSAT, MCAT, UKCAT, and GMAT.

Please fill out our Contact Form below. We look forward to hearing from you and answering your questions.

Thank you for considering XtraLearn.